This is no doubt great news for Microsoft and great news for the trajectory of where they are going with the X box brand.
Makes me wonder how much better Sony would have done on the charts if the shortages weren't an issue though. It is still ridiculously hard to get ahold of PS5s and unfortunately it doesn't sound like that trend is going to end any time soon.
I imagine the Series S sales (seeing as how they are lumped in with Series X sales.) have given the overall X box sales a boost in the charts but regardless this is still great news for gamers and it shows the community behind gaming is as strong as ever.
2022 is definitely shaping up to be a good year and one with a lot more potential than 2021.
Horizon and Elden Ring are going to be fighting for my time come February and considering how close they are to each other I don't expect to leave my little ninja cave for at least a good month.
-"Spencer spoke about how Microsoft uses AI on Xbox to "monitor the sentiment of a conversation" to detect "when a conversation is getting to a destructive point."-
How does stuff like this not make anyone's skin crawl?
We are all in need of a proper Twisted Metal reboot.
Hopefully the transition to a Sony first party studio will pay off big as I know there are tons of TM fans who have been waiting for a true successor for almost a decade.
Bioware's reputation has been on a decline for quite some time now. I want to say it was Mass Effect 3 but it could have very well been before that.
The worst part is I don't really see any signs they truly are going to change their ways to get back in gamers good graces anytime soon either. It's not just from a gaming development perspective but it is from an even greater ideological one.
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