As optimistic I am about most games before they are released even I had a sneaking suspicion that this one wouldn’t turn out “great.”
The Dynasty warriors fans love their franchise but for everyone else games that utilize that play style are seen as being rather boring or repetitive/monotonous (Much like you, Ninja.).
There are certain games you go into knowing full well they won’t be good but as a fan you buy them anyway either to show your support for the franchise you love so much or because frankly there’s nothing else out involving said franchise.
I felt the same way when I purchased Fist of the North Star: Kens rage. I knew it was going to be bad but what other Fist of the North Star games are there?
Berserk sounds like it is no different (which pains me as a huge fan of the franchise.) and I guess any kind of faith in it somehow being a AAA title is just irrational if not foolish.
Maybe one day we will get that amazing game it deserves so badly.
Not sure if it will hit those numbers but I'm sure the great reviews it is getting now will definitely help it.
I think perhaps a better idea of it's trajectory will be how much it does it's first week, then maybe we can talk about 6 million for the end of the year, lol. If it manages even half of those numbers I am more than confident in saying that Guerrilla games will more than likely have a new franchise on their plate.
How in the heck did I miss that? Although, now that you mention it I'm not sure I'd want to.
There is so much truth in your post about games to movies but I think it ultimately boils down in most cases to one thing in particular you said... the director/Producer in charge.
As you said they are their own biggest problem. Not the budget, not the actors, not the sets... themselves.
Most of the time you get directors/producers who want to put their own little "spin" on something that already has a long and well established history, usually in an effort to stroke their own ego.
If instead they just stuck to the source material as close as was humanly possible we might actually see more videogame adaptations becoming huge hollywood money making machines. Instead we have a long list of "one and done's" or terribly long and drawn out franchises that are the furthest thing from their original source material.
Sometimes trying to add something "new" isn't necessary. There's a reason a lot of these franchises took off to begin with.
For as much grief as we give him I actually think deep down Phil is a decent human being.
I know the “congratulate your rivals” thing is probably nothing more than a PC type thing that companies seem to being doing left and right nowadays but in Phil’s case I think it is more genuine than most of his contemporaries.
For some reason I actually believe he wants what’s best for the gaming community at large (however I’m not naive enough to believe he doesn’t want his “team” to come out on top.). It’s clear he “knows” games and listens to feedback (Remember the XBOXone’s rocky launch/controversy with internet only.) but only he can do so much with what “power” he has.
There is no doubt in my mind that if he had total control he would sign a multitude of new/original exclusives to the X Box brand as I think he realizes that is one of the biggest deciding factors between his brand and that of his rivals, namely Sony.
Regardless, despite what “control” he truly has I still think he’s doing the best with what he can all things considered.
But back to the point (you love going off on tangents don’t you, Ninja?) Phil seems like “good people” (I hate that phrase; so why did you use it fool!?).
Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if he went home after a busy day at work and unwound by playing some PS4 or Wii-U, lol. I think he just loves games, regardless of who’s making them.
I know this news will polarize many people out there from long-time fans to people who absolutely detest anything that comes out of Kojima’s mouth but I for one would be absolutely ecstatic if this came to fruition.
With that being said I foresee a multitude of issues that could possibly plague the finished product before it even reaches the beginning stages.
If anything I think a T.V series would be a more appropriate avenue as there is “a lot” of stuff whether it be subtle interactions or just amazing conversations riddled throughout the metal gear solid game.
For me personally Metal Gear solid is the most quotable game in my repertoire. There are so many good “one-liners” or amazing pieces of dialogue sprinkled throughout. I feel that a 2 hour (maybe even a 2 and a half hour.) movie would barely scratch the surface of what made it so good.
Other than that I am more convinced in this day and age that they could do it justice but once again the time restraints would hurt it.
Metal Gear Solid, much like the gameplay, isn’t something you can just gloss over quickly and jump from scene to scene as you “shut” your brain off. Despite what some detractors may say it is a very cerebral game with a very cerebral story line, at least when compared to everything else that was out on the market when it dropped.
While some may say that very same issue is the reason its story is so convoluted in some of the later installments I would argue that that is not really the case with METAL GEAR SOLID. Metal Gear solid offered an incredible story with great twists and character/plot development throughout that I only wish more games today could deliver.
Even if they had Kojima on board during the production I still think the issues I mentioned above are too great to overcome and I am skeptical that the finished product would manage to recapture the essence of what made Metal Gear’s story stand out so well.
That’s not going to prevent me however from hoping that it will turn out good if it actually goes through and makes it to the silverscreen though.
For all those out there that are a little unsure of what exactly each DLC contains here ya go!
Nightmare: Similar to “mercenary mode” in past RE games. Taking down waves of enemies with a time limit.
Bedroom: GREAT! If you particularly liked the “Happy Birthday” puzzle in the main game you will more than like this.
Daughters: Another great addition that shows the events that led up to the Baker’s unfortunate “turn.”
21: A “SAW” inspired card game. More fun than I actually thought it sounded thanks in part to a great delivery.
The rest of the DLC plays more like mini games and are mindless fun that have their place but I don’t really think they are “big” sells with the possible exception of ETHAN MUST DIE. It literally is like Resident evil mixed with Dark souls. Absolutely brutal! You will die… and die…. And DIE!!!! Not for the faint of heart, lol.
I particularly loved the “Bedroom” and “Daughters” DlC as both felt very tense much like the main game. “Bedroom” also required more “smarts” and critical thinking (Then how did you finish it, Ninja?) despite being in a very limited “play area” which I loved.
Personally I think some of the DLC I mentioned above compliments the main game very well despite being completely separate events.
Not good from a financial point of view for Nicalis.
They are reeeaaalllyyy missing out on a golden opportunity to capitalize on a very “limited” launch lineup.
Any of us out there that have been around the gaming industry for any extended amount of time know the importance and impact of even mediocre games at launch. They sell! (And I’m not implying that their game is mediocre or bad in anyway, so calm down.)
Why? Simple. Consumers have limited choice.
If you buy a brand new “Console-Y” but it only has 3 games at launch you can more than bet those 3 games will all be big sellers despite whether they are even good or not.
The other distressing thing for them is that they are now missing out on an opportunity to expose their work to more people who would otherwise have never purchased such a game under “normal” conditions, once again thanks in part to the previous point.
Hopefully the delay is due to them trying to make the game better or perhaps trying to add some extra features but it still doesn’t negate the point that they missed out on a “golden” opportunity.
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