Not really a huge surprise considering Resident Evil 7 is one of the only new games in a major franchise (the other being Yakuza.) for the month of January.
Let’s face it, a good portion of a new games sales (unless they are of the mainstream call of duty, grand theft auto, Pokemon, Mario type.) are going to be in the first day or first few days from its initial release.
Still, great news to see it knock down such “staples” of the sales charts despite those games having been on the market for quite some time. When you factor in the controversy that surrounded this game before it even launched that makes this achievement somewhat more impressive.
I just hope the positive reviews and strong word of mouth will propel this game to sell enough copies to send Capcom a “message” about what direction they should be moving the franchise towards.
Wasn’t this game supposed to be one of the highly anticipated PS4 launch titles much in the same vein as dark souls?
I remember seeing clips of it and thinking while it might be perceived as a direct “response” from Capcom (and thus might be misconstrued as a cheap rip-off.) to the souls franchise it still looked interesting.
I would say something like this is more than likely to remain in videogame limbo considering how long it has already been but you never know.
At least they are utilizing some of the Switch’s features with this add on to the main game but I have a pretty good feeling that those out there who are fans of the series, such as myself, will not care much at all for this “gimmick.”
As a young ninja back in the day (practicing all those hadoukens and shoryukens.) the thought of something like this would have been a welcome addition but now I have a sneaking suspicion it would be nothing more than a “5 minute play-through then never again” type thing.
It’s not really a surprise I guess. After all, you can tell it’s just a quick “slap on” mode that more than likely has no real substance or challenge. Its sole purpose is more than likely just to showcase the Switch’s “extra” abilities.
-It can be a challenge to maintain any sense of flow in a story when players can mess around for hours before proceeding onto an ostensibly urgent task in the main campaign.-
Personally speaking this is exactly how I feel about most open world/sand box games out there. I know I’m probably in the minority here when it comes to this point of view (Ninja, the firing squad is ready for you now.) but I just feel that it’s really hard to be engaged in any semblance of story or narrative when you are off doing a million other tasks or “fetch quests.”
In cases like this it’s not uncommon to eventually arrive back at the main story/area of focus but unfortunately lose the sense of urgency or purpose you would have had had you otherwise not been doing irrelevant “missions” or extraneous yet insignificant tasks to the overall focus of the narrative.
C’mon, how many of us out there end up doing 3 to 7 hours worth of side quests only to arrive back at the main story mission only to feel like “what was I doing again?”
And yes, I understand most of these games don’t force you to engage in these meaningless tasks so it is a choice (however I would say there a more than a handful of “relevant” games in this genre that do.) but their inclusion at certain points in their respective campaigns kind of begs the question whether they were put there for a reason even though playing through them seems irrelevant in hindsight.
I “get” these kinds of games aren’t meant to have as strong a focus as their more linear (linear, lol. The open world gamers most hated word.) counterparts but I would be interested to hear what Miyamoto has implemented to combat this “break in flow”.
If there is anyone in this industry that can possibly back up such a bold claim it’s him.
I must have pictured myself as being some kind of great pharaoh or something as I wrote that, lol.
Being a self-confessed “aficionado” I am more than curious as to your thoughts on this recent installment in the RE franchise as well as to how it compares in your view to previous titles.
Capcom really has its work cut out for them if they truly wish to attain their goal of surpassing the sales of RE6. I know its wishful thinking on their part but the end result is mostly unlikely.
I won’t rehash some of the points I’ve made in the past about why this installment will probably not sell as much as RE5 and RE6 (Thank goodness Ninja, can’t stand you!) but the reason being due to a lack of quality couldn’t be further from the truth.
It’s a shame too when you factor in that this is probably the best resident evil in years (Yes, I know that is a subjective statement but it’s the consensus of not just most of the gaming community but of long-time fans of the series.).
Hopefully RE7 can still sell “big” and I’m sure the great reviews it has already received combined with the positive word of mouth will give it a long “tail” in terms of sales.
If there are any out there on the fence, particularly long-time fans of the series or those that just want a great survival horror experience, I implore you to give this game a try. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
-"Nothing has been announced to date but I think there's a lot of potential for this to be an exciting new franchise for us,"-
Key word being potential.
We will all see if this game lives up to the incredible amount of hype it is getting. I for one hope it does but I wouldn't be surprised if it falls short of expectations like so many other new IPs have in the past.
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