I know this is the "thing to do" now but I can't help but be a little surprised that a title such as Zelda is engaging in this practice. I'm not saying it's good or bad, all I'm saying is that it surprises me.
(What about that RE7 deluxe season pass you got Ninja? Shhh... shut up.)
Wow, Capcom is actually churning these out at a pretty good rate. (In before comments about the content being cut from the main game, lol.)
I understand DLC and season passes are a taboo subject around here and I’m not suddenly advocating them but I opted for the deluxe version of RE7 (probably the first time I’ve done something like that.) when I pre-ordered it at launch.
It was more an issue of “Ahh, why not.” I’ve been a fan of the series since it started and I supported the direction Capcom was taking on this rendition by going back to the series roots. In that little warped pea brain of mine I felt I was supporting their efforts to bring a series I loved back to what made me love it in the first place even if by doing so it may have also sent the conflicting message that I supported their DLC practices (But you’re supporting DLC and season pass practices Ninja, shame on you!!! Hang him!!!).
To be completely fair I can’t really see the DLC they are releasing as being totally congruent with the main story of the game. Any of you out there that have played them will note that you play a completely different character and I personally can’t help but feel that their inclusion in the main game would more than likely break up the flow of the narrative if not totally detract from it. The main RE7 game is Ethan and Mia’s story more or less, not anyone else’s.
I hope these DLC pieces are more like the “bedroom” DLC released earlier as I found that piece to be quite enjoyable and surprisingly tense despite the lack of action/violence. Just goes to show how proper survival horror can be done.
I just hope Capcom continues down this path in regards to the tone and atmosphere of the series and doesn’t get suckered back into making the franchise something it was never intended to be.
Believe it or not despite being the most popular “youtuber” in the world I’ve actually never watched one of his videos (Well, that’s because you live under a rock Ninja, so…).
Excuse my ignorance but isn’t he the guy that just sits there and talks about random stuff while he plays through games?
Regardless, I’m not sure of the context (although sifting through the comments section here would imply that what he did was a joke.) but in today’s political/PC world one always has to be wary of offending or potentially offending someone/thing especially when one intentionally casts a spotlight over themselves.
I’m sure he’ll be fine and will bounce back just fine. Would like to see if this incident makes him a little more cautious of what he does in the future or if it does the opposite since there is no doubt in my mind he must be a little upset.
Either way I’m sure he’ll spin this into a positive for himself so fans of his shouldn’t lose sleep over this.
That was just, well... odd. Especially having played through the full "U.S/North American" version.
I wouldn't have expected them to do something like that for Japan considering some of the things I've heard over there with certain "game shows." Maybe violence is heavily censored over there? I'm not sure. Perhaps someone who has/is living there can chime in.
Is violence in movies/games/books heavily frowned upon and even to some extent censored in Japan? This is after all the same place that spawned such "family friendly" franchises like Berserk and Gantz.
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