@xnshd: True, a high end machine will easily run you 2.5k. One thing is for sure though; My 3080 is not going to run the game at the same level performance of a puny ps5 or xbox series x lol.
@systemoverload: vinyl records have an actual purpose, since you get analog audio. That's something music/audio junkies like apparently. I don't think there is any argument for cassettes and tapes; I could be wrong though. I do agree we need to move away from CDs, else we are going to end up paying 70 bucks per game next gen.
@jerusaelem: it has been years since the last time I logged in to my Gamespot account. Is this real? Do you have any sources? If any single point here is true, then I'm pirating this game.
@texasgoldrush: TW3? sorry is that the witcher 3? because if it is, I would say the witcher 3 suffers from the same exact issues as RD2. Both games are hell of impressive and immersive, but gameplay wise they are just trash, bland, unimpressive, and repetitive.
videolunatico's comments