Well, what can I say? This being my first journal I figure I must spill my guts. How did I become a video villain you may ask? "Why let me tell you," I would promptly say followed by, "It all started when..." So without further ado, here she blows:
It all started when I was about 4 years old. I was walking around my neighborhood looking for trees to climb up into to let me down like an elevator. After hearing my mother call me in for dinner I decided it would be a good idea to listen to her. Normally I would stay out another hour or so at least, getting myself into trouble possibly getting a spanking from the pops. I get inside and what do I see? I see a NENTINDO!! It's just sitting right there on the floor connected to my TV. You know what happened next already because I'm sure most of you hardcore gamers did the same thing. You sat down and played Mario until your eyes bled, skipping dinner and sleep. I played so much after I first got it that my parents decided to take it away for about a week; during which I suffered severe withdrawals. I caused fights with my older sister due to irritability and tried to annoy my parents as much as possible until my precious was returned. In other words, I really loved this thing and chose it to be my God. I played many other games on that beloved machine and still own it and all my games. I moved on to the Sega Genesis and SNES later, gameboy, N64, PS blahdeblahdeblah.... Ever since that day I’ve been an avid gamer and bled from the eyes many times over.
When I was a freshman in high school, my step dad would come into my room sometimes when my friends and I were gaming and ask, "What are you villains up to?" To witch we would reply "playing video games." We were constantly playing; day in, day out, skipping school, skipping meals and skipping sleep most of all. He called us villains because we caused trouble inadvertently so he put it. Through inaction we were troublemakers. Gears started turning and eventually he called us the VideoVillains. "What are you video villains up to now?" we heard over and over though he new the answer.
Maybe you don't think the name or the story is cool, but VideoVillains stuck with me and I think it is a great name. I bought the domain name and used to host a forum, but I got too busy with gaming and college so I just own the domain now. I was thinking of eventually putting up a web comic but I don't think I could compare with the wonderful web comics already out there plus I seriously lack talent in the art department. Programming I can do but art...I'd do better trying to hit a rail and crushing my grundle. Maybe I'll try some day though. In the mean time I will continue to be VideoVillain and wreak havoc upon those who challenge my gaming skills!
Being a gamer is my life and making games is my future. I'm on my way getting one step closer each day. I plan to eventually own a game company as many of you I'm sure may have plans for. So I say to you, spangly may be a good meal when it's hot, but when it's cold it can tear into your face like a chainsaw!!
I do wonder if anyone will even read this. I promise that later ones will be much more interesting and usually much shorter.
Peace out,