Wellyou'veall probably noticed that Idon't really write here anymore. It has been a damn long while!! Actually, nobody notices since none of you ever check, but anyway, I'm back! Hopefully in full force, but most likely just once every few months or so.
What has happened since I left? A lot of gaming has transpired to be sure! I'mstilla video villain, that'll never change. I graduated college finally and now I'm an Assistant Manager of a Gamestop in training to be the Store Manager. Once I get settled, I'll try to transfer to a new place like L.A. or San Fran or something. I gotta be near the game companies!
I'm extremely excited for Halo 3, Mass Effect, Bio Shock, Fallout 3 and many many many other games!!!! Damn this is going to be a good couple years and I get to be right on the front line playing them all with all the time in the world to do so!! AND THE MONEY NOW TOO!!!
So the agony I speak of in the title is the road I traveled to get here. Homework just sucks and not having money is a growing problem for all the young-ins in the world. Relationships help neither and endup destroying massive blocks of time in your life!! I think I lost about 2 years; ironically the same amount of time I was gone!
Anyway, I'll post again another time. Keep you updated on the gaming and the job and hopefully do some reviews of some newer and better games!
Peace out,