mmmmmmmmmm pie
by viewtifuljon321 on Comments
I was on a ski trip today ( my school has a club) and we stopped at mcdonalds for both breakfast and dinner. ( I know very healthy) and on the way there we watched dodgeball. I know have seen that movie twice in two days and quite frankly I'm getting sick of it!!!! ( it's really not that great!!!) well anyway when we stopped at mcdonalds for dinner I ordered my 2 cheeseburger meal as usual and me and my friend were eating and he had two apple pies but then we had to go so he didn't have time to finish the second apple pie he bought so he gave it to me. Dood I never knew fake pie could taste so good and it tottaly made me happy. I think we all need to remember the little things like how good pie is and all our lives would be better no?