User Reviews & Ratings

Average Score 9.6/10
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 3
  9. 2
  10. 1
  • Rating:9.6
    Wow this was a surprize I loved I thought it was a great suprize indeed.

    Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS

    Wow this was a surprize I loved I thought it was a great suprize indeed.

    This game is great you get two games in one for a low price which isnt bad. But their is a negative side to it the saving is really slow and its not as fast as the gba games. Then there are the voice overs which are alri... Read Full Review

    3 of 4 users found the following review helpful