@brittlecheese yes a decent franchise but EA is killing it by adding like 15+ dlc and addons. Actually they cost more than the game itself. Yeah i'm loosing faith in EA
@Grenadeh @vijaynine @u1tradt @Auriken something better than havinng ur ass over packs of chips and tins of beer & soda. for a great deal which the developer is not taking anything for the sake of PR ok still its good, that doesn't change..
@aniforprez dude i obey a part with u but torchlight will be a max 15-20 hr game after that end of story. But Diablo 3 i already played 142 hrs and i am not bored of it. so D3 anyday over Torchlight 2
@driftingsilvia even i was pissed for its release time after E3 2008 it took 4 years but if u play the game u will come to know why it is online. every one cried for errors but in truth i logged in the very moment at 12:01 @15 may and never had a lag till now with almost 34 hrs online no matter other cry im highly satisfied.
vijaynine's comments