All i want is good games on that next gen box, for friends or skype or some other s...t ALL of us have a tiny pc. Console - gaming, pc - media center and internet browsing. Where is Onimusha and other good titles ?
I had bad feeling about Ps4, instead of games will show us avatars and smartphone connectivity, if they block used games or demand internet connection always - bye bye next gen for me.
Wii u new tablet - gamers from all around, just dont play normal games, stay connected and chat all along. I go to some movie, i got , I MUST tell my other friends that thing, i go to bathrom - same. Shame....and some exclusive for Wii u ? Not this year, let s stay with Pikmin and Zelda. The cheaper propaganda dont work on all hardcore gamers.
Welcome to the social house, not the gaming. Bye bye hardcore gaming, lets chat all day and play minigolf TOGETHER. I hate Mii......sorry but i buy a console to play, not to change avatars colors !!!
First of all, im a hardcore gamer over 15 years, maybe more, but something is wrong with all that stuff for social gaming. Lets see, im buy a console for chat with my friends or to play ? If i want to play and chat - will go for a free MMO, plenty of them...
A normal person, with daily worktime, will chat 4-5 hours or play a game in hope to finish it ? The people want to get avatars in their new interface or dashboards ? That s the way, i think the big giants here want us to stay home, and chat all along until we starving or something like that, if I WANT a social page, i go to facebook (i dont have account there, not twitter, cause dont have time), i PREFER real life, live meeting, see the person face to face, believe me - all your photos that you share is not confidential on that type of sites...about the Wii u, is nice but can we have a few exclusive here ? I dont want same Zelda, same Starfox, ok they re good games, but something new can be done or the devs sleep on their shoes ?? I dont want my friends to see that i connect to my iphone, 3ds, wii u or other device, i dont want to be tracked if i go to bedroom and have the 3ds with me, cause in time - things will go that way. The new type of controller is not for me, cause IF i play a game, my attention will go full on the tv, not at the controller, and the the tv, then again - i tell you, after 1-2 hours youll be exhausted, ok is good for typical families to play some golf games or other stuff. Is the Nintendo backup plan, if we cant overpower ps3 or ps4 (nextgen), we will sell the Wii u base on the new concept, the ipad controller. We will wait and see...the single good one for me is the normal PRO controller , god bless that idea. Im not a native english speaker, so excuse my mistakes.
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