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vinash Blog

Bored and Mad!

I am bored out of my mind. Yup. I could play Conflict Denied Ops but I need to buy an attachment for it to play on my computer. Which really sucks because i have been waiting really long to get this game , and once i do I can't play it!

That is it just wanted to say I am mad!

I leave you with my awesome motto: PLAY IT LOVE IT!

Christmas Success!

I got exactly what i wanted for Christma. Here is a list of all the game rlated gifts I got.

Nintendo DS-2 Special Edition stylus

Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story(DS)

LEGO Battles (DS)

Avatar (DS)

New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii of course)

New Control Play! Pikmin (Wii)

Conflict: Denied Ops (PC)

Christmas Eve!

WOO! Today is Christmas Eve hopefully everyone will have a good Christmas and get what they wanted! I didn't want much this year all i really wanted was a Nintendo DS. So hopefully i will get it! Well all i wanted to say was have a happy holidays!

I started a union

I started this union called Awesome Shooters Guild 1. I have to wait for the people i invited to be officers to accept or decline though. IF they do accept please join my union. This is my first union so i might not do well. If I do don't get mad over it okay! And if I do a horrible job i will have the officers to fix up my mistakes. Vinash signing off with my union motto.


This is why.

If you are wondering why I have allot of alot of games for old systems like GC, NES, and SNES. I am just adding old games i USED to have so i can get the emblems. So, now you know. I leave you with my awesome motto. PLAY IT LOVE IT!

WHY Conflict series is cool! You people must believe!

WHY do everyone think the Conflict series suck( I am looking at you Gamespot )! IT has allot if intense moments. Please play and if you don't like it i eel sorry for you. This series is the best third person shooter i have played ever

I love you Conflict!

Conflict Desert Storm

Conflict Desert Storm: Back to Baghdad

Conflict Vietnam

Conflict Global Terror

Conflict: Denied Ops

I love these games! You should too.

Is Nintendo losing it?

I havent seen any good games coming out right now for Nintendo , but never lose hope Nintendo ALWAYS makes the greatest games during Christmas time! So all we have to do is wait for a really long time each year.But then again SSBB was a hit (one of my faves) was out during April (i think).