FAT PRINCESS!! it looks tight
vinni75's forum posts
Nope, no one In Japan own's one. Bill Gates bought all 1million Japanies consoles:shock:
o rly lol
well, some must have one, but i think the wii and ps3 probaly dominate there. Thats okay, cuz the 360 kills the ps3 in teh US.ieatnoobs18
lol yeah
i mean if xbox 360 is an american made console (microsoft) so not many japanese own one right? they would rather have a ps3 right
lol i dont know where im going with this thread
Why is he killing a tortoise?jstarzyk
hes killing it because its no frog. frogs ftw!
Naruto:The Broken Bond. Best fighter i have ever played. Im a huge fan of the anime and this game is tight.
Btw rise of a ninja is my 2nd favorite
IF they make a new one i hope its from the Naruto Shippuden series
yeah that would be great!
Yeah but i want namco bandai to make a naruto game for the 360 .. Naruto UNS was as close to the anime as it could possible get .. but i ve finished naruto the broken bond and it was pretty good .. I def want another naruto game for the 360 and i'm sure its already being developed by ubisoft .
i sure hope so. Ubisoft working on another naruto game would be great!
Oh okay then lol
Anyone else?
In my opinnion it would be awesome if ubisoft or cyberconnect2 brought another game out. well i mean cyberconnect2 makes naruto games only for playstation console but that would be cool if they brought Ultimate ninja sstorm to the 360. Also ubisoft di a fantastic job with Naruto rise of a ninja and the broken bond.
So? How many of you would love another kick @$$ naruto game?
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