Wow I just have to get a Switch to replay this game for the 10th time. Not really let me know when some actual new games are on this thing actually don't because my money is going to a new gaming PC where the remasters (mods) are free and since this Switch is size of a small laptop that pretty much makes the Switch redundant anyway.
Selling new consoles to replay old games because all the new ones are designed like free2play MP games, this is dystopian future of gaming I long feared was coming.
It's just their twitter page could have easily been hacked or been some mistake by a low-level government employee, would want to hear the other sides story before jumping to conclusions Russian intelligence is not that shoddy.
Does not matter because the organizations the US has been supporting in Syria are terrorist organizations that is irrefutable fact as Assad may be a dictator but the Syrian government is none-the-less the only legitimate authority in Syria all other military organizations in Syria are terrorist organizations and their conduct has been just as bad. The so called "Free Syrian Army" is just a front for Al-nusra and the Islamic State who are the ultimate recipients of all the weapons and funding from American CIA.
Here is a funny joke:
What is the difference between a rebel and a terrorist?
this is very different than the "old days" when people would play a game and then move on. Now, EA wants to keep players engaged--and spending--in a game long after release.
I too miss the old days when playing video games did not make me feel like I was being cheated so now I move on before playing many games.
Almost as stupid as a person who post 100 times on a CoD review about how they don't like CoD? Compared to BLOPS3 I'm enjoying it though it still does not hold a candle to world at war. I's an average game but not terrible like some make it out to be.
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