I have a blog on my GS profile, as well as one at www.greengamers.blogspot.com. What would make my blog collection complete? A blog for my 360 of course! For those of you who are unfamiliar with 360voice.com, it hooks up to your XBL Gamertag and automatically generates a blog from the perspective of your 360. It's funny and cool, so check it out: http://www.360voice.com/blog.asp?tag=Killjoule
visuall_basic Blog
Geometry Wars is my b*tch. Almost.
by visuall_basic on Comments
I am writing because I succesfully completed another achievement in Geometry Wars. I earned 20 points for the Quartermaster achievement (collect 9 bombs). So far I have 130/200 achievement points with a high score of 1,997,000 which ranks me at about 3000th in the world. I'm extremely proud of this achievement (it's taken me months to get) and I am looking forward to completeing the final three achievements soon. They are: Survive 500,000, Survive 1,000,000, and Multitastic (get x10 multiplier). Wish me luck!
UPDATE: I just got the Survive 500,000 achievement this morning. That puts my total at 150/200. Two more to go!
Hooking casual gamers
by visuall_basic on Comments
Last night, I managed to get some of my very non-gamer friends to play Katamari Damacy. They said they wanted to play something ridiculous, and I couldn't think of a more ridiculous game. Nevertheless, these guys are not as open-minded as I am, nor do they have any vested interest in videogames or Japan, so I was worried that they just wouldn't get it.
But they definitely got it. They were like, 'wtf?' at first, but they ended up playing for quite a while. I even left the room and they were still rolling sh*t up. Needless to say, it was very gratifying as I watched people who aren't even casual gamers get really into rolling over sumo wrestlers with a giant ball of crap.
A Handy Guide for Gamespot Posters
by visuall_basic on Comments
After reading thousands of posts that don't even approach English, I decided to make this short and easy guide. Hopefully, this will lead to improved posts in the future.
The There/Their/They're Distinction
There - This one refers to location, as in "The Xbox is over there." or "There are serious problems between EA and its employees."
Their - This refers to posession, as in "Microsoft has their sh*t together." or "Their Xbox Live service is awesome."
They're - This is a contraction meaning 'they are'. You should use this only when the words 'they are' would make sense in its place. "Sony rocks. They're releasing the PS3 soon and it's gonna roxorz."
The Too/To/Two Distinction
Too - Refers to an excess amount. "The PS3 might be too expensive for me."
To - Indicates direction. "I'm going to E3. w00t!1!"
Two - Is the number 2. "Most people who post on Gamespot's forums have two brain cells."
The Its/It's and Your/You're Distinction
Its and Your - Indicate posession. "The 360 can download demos and store them on its hard drive." "May I please play your Xbox 360?"
It's and You're- 'It's' is a contraction for 'It is'. 'You're' is a contraction for 'You are'. "It's a shame that Nintendo changed the Revolution's name to Wii." "You're probably a hardcore gamer if you've scored a million points in Geometry Wars."
And there you go. A couple of simple definitions to make your posting more readable.
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