Shenmue 1 & 2 - HD Remaster: this game is from year 2000 and yet it could look like this in HD --->
Shenmue 3 - Sequel: we've been waiting 14 years for a conclusion to Ryo's story. What the hell, SEGA.
Psychonauts 2 - Sequel: Tim Schafer always wanted to make it. Only problem: it would cost a ton of money.
Monkey Island 3a - Sequel: Ron Gilbert's true sequel to Monkey Island 2
Ghost Trick 2 - Sequel: Ghost Trick was sooooooooo good
Dragon Quest VII-VIII 3DS - Nothing: just translate those games! Especially VII! Damnit, Square-Enix!
Final Fantasy V-VI-VII-VIII-IX - Remakes: V and VI in the style of the III-IV DS Remakes. VII-VIII-IX full fledged remakes.
The Last Guardian - Sequel: I fear this game is gonna be the Chinese Democracy of videogames
90% of Capcom and Konami IPs - Remakes/Sequels/Reboots: Castlevania (sequels to the Metroidvania era), Silent Hill (reboot or sequel to SH4, disregarding the mess that came after it), Mega Man (sequel), Resident Evil (remakes/reboot) are the first 4 that come to mind. But in light of recent events... goodbye Konami.
Xenogears - Remake: expanded remake to include all the content that was cut in the original release
Xenosaga Trilogy - HD Collection: in Europe we only got Xenosaga Episode II. WTF.
Chrono Trigger/Cross - Remake/Sequel: speaks for itself
Devil May Cry 5 - Sequel: speaks for itself
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