Now I`m not bashing any console or dissing anybody, its just that I get this feeling in my stomach every time someone calls the wii kiddie and for a long time I didn`t know what that feeling was, but now I do. I for one love to be a kid and when I was a kid it was and still is the best feeling of my entire life and I for one don`t want to grow up. So thats why I don`t care if someone calls the wii kiddie because I`m proud to be a kid, I`m gonna buy Zack and Wiki and enjoy it and I don`t care who knows it! I watch Saturday morning cartoons, I spoil my appetite before dinner and I stay up after my bed time and I am not ashamed of it! So go ahed and call the wii or any other system kiddy because I don`t care because I am not ashamed to be a kid.Oh and just for the record I am 20. So the next time you see someone call the wii kiddy just say " well sir I for one am proud to be a kid!"
Thats all I have to say:)