@guitarman86: They did hint. When the min PC specs were released several months ago they said the cost of a Rift plus a min spec PC would cost approximately $1500. A min spec PC costs approximately $900-$1000, so....
@vandel212: They also said, months ago, that a min spec PC plus the Oculus Rift would cost around $1500. A min spec PC costs approximately $900-$1000. Do the math. This price point was no secret. It was always going to cost at least $500, so $600 isn't a surprise.
@tosvus: They never said 'a little'. They said over 350. They also said Oculus plus a min req PC would cost around $1500. Knowing min spec PC cost approx $1000, this shouldn't be much of a shock. It was always going to be at least $500.
@Moonco: Not on day 1... FFS, give it a year, and the price will drop, like all tech. This is a brand new cutting edge gadget - it was never going to be cheap right out of the gate.
@doonish: Couldn't agree more dooNish. It's pretty much the same price as brand new next gen consoles when they are first released, so this shouldn't be such a shock to people. How much do people really expect the coolest, most cutting edge, toy in the world to cost out of the gate? $600 is the top end for what I was expecting, but it still isn't THAT bad for such an awesome piece of technology.
I don't expect most people have been following development as closely as me, but there is actually a TON of momentum behind this tech from thousands of developers - we just haven't seen it yet because the Rift hasn't actually released, and most stuff is still in development.
Based on what I've seen (at Oculus Connect, etc...), I have little doubt that there will be a huge library of quality games within a year of Rift's release.
Too bad petition signers weren't required to describe at least one specific instance of actual sexism they experienced in GTAV before signing. That would have at least been entertaining
@Lace3 People didn't hate the ending of ME3 because it wasn't 'happy'; they hated it because it was a disaster from a literary standpoint, and the choices made throughout the game had nearly zero impact/representation on the final outcome.
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