[QUOTE="voicereason"] Goverment has whole facilities dedicated to tracking info on citizens etc And selling people's information to ads or agencies is big shady business The Kinect is a spy cam and IT WILL always keep track on you Underage smoking or drinking in front of kinect and expect feds to bust teens Expext to be bombarded with ads going by what Microsoft secretly gathers from you And if you get caught whacking off in front of the kinect that WILL BE stored in a data base and anybone who dislikes you can send it to an employer to humilate you Oh and all your conversatations will be picked up by Kinect too. Its ALWAYS ON Microsoft is putting you into a surveillance state in your own home with their awful productsR3FURBISHED
You are spreading, albeit poorly, misinformation inside my information thread. Go spread your biased, lying filth somewhere else.
Im spreading the CORRECT information Its vital that people KNOW what they get when they mistakingly buy a weaker, more expensive, spy box one/cable kinect box one
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