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vonLowenstein Blog

*Dusts off*

So... I'm back. Long time no write. I guess I was busy. Or lazy. Or both. Meh. Nothing, as usual, came out of my writing plans, though I've made some serious progress in resolve. So what did happen during such a long time? I bought myself The Orange Box, C&C Generals(unfortunately in French), and Gears of War. I was accepted on university on logistics. While in France I aquired a philips MP4 player with very useful .txt reader. What else? I began reading Twilight saga. Lost some weight and began curing my blood pressure problems. In darker news, I read blog of my friend from lessons of German language. She is ...hmmm... bit disturbed. I might need to bring the topic up with her. Well Let's see what the time will bring.

Dark Comets Reign

So I'm back in buisness. Back to writing. I've decided the reactivate one of my earlier works "Project: Black Hand". I hope to soon post some fragments of it here. :P As for the day's event's... nothing significant has happened.

And that concludes today's blog post.

The Battle for Freedom

Today was a rather eventful day. Emphasis on rather. First of all it was hot. Too hot for my, or anyone else, liking. Then a nasty storm came. After that the weather rather stabilzed. Once again the emphasis is on rather. I had another meeting with my good friend today. Once again we played together some turn-based strategy game. (Civilization IV), and once again I lost. This time it was my mistake. I've decided to attack Persia( I was playing Russia-Stalin, and my friend was playing Portugal- Joao II). To my surprise I was attacked from the other side by Japanese forces led by that despicable Tokugawa. No surprise, I was in deep trouble and while the fight ended with a peace treaty I suffered a rather serious losses( including one VERY important city). I've decided then that further game would be pointless, and resigned to joy of my friend. In other news... Further steps in the recruitment process to the university were made. I hope I will be accepted. And that concludes today news post. PS. I hope that today/tomorrow I'll get back to writing.

First post :)

So... My first post here. Yup. ... ... ... Meh. Not much to write about :P. I won Men of War at a contest today. ... ... ... And that concluds today's blog post.