Actually, I find it sort of scary how many people DO NOT know these basics to computer maintenance. Some people will buy a new new computer or buy new parts when all they had to do was defrag, scan, or install driver updates to make it run like new!
If you ask me, it comes down to what you want: a PC experience or a console experience. Sure PC graphics are a little better if you have a decent computer, but some people just want to casually play consoles and thats that. Just ask yourself what you want. I just can't wait for the PS3 to be used at 100% (have you ever compared the 1st PS2 games to come out with the more recent ones, HUGE difference). P.S. Why the h*** do you need to have a Windows Live account to save progress in GTA IV?
Geforce has better but I think you can get the ATI for less, whatever, the 8800 GT (not GTX SLI) is the ideal nVidia video card until next summer. Technology moves too fast!
voodoothe2nd's comments