1. How to make Skyrim Awesome: check this link out
(you can set items, weapons, and spells to corresponding keys on your keyboard. Duh!! I set all my stuff last night, life is much better)
2. Encumbrance
Some info on encumbrance in the game. Stamina raises the amount you can carry. If you have exceeded your carry amount and are encumbered, here are some tips I found online. My favorite is the third option. I am looking forward to animating a corpse, making it my mule, then having it die when I arrive in the middle of town.
-Walking forward and using a melee power attack (charge) while over-encumbered helps the player gain additional ground, making for easier travel while over-encumbered.
-Normally, fast-traveling is disabled while over-encumbered. However, on a horse, this does not apply, making for easier trips back to sell carried goods, especially in towns which allow horses inside the walls.
-Another option is to dump all heavy equipment into a corpse and reanimate it using a spell or power, such as the resurrection power gained by The Ritual Stone. The player can then fast travel to any destination and the corpse follows. If the time it took is enough for the spell to run it's course, the corpse will 'die' again upon reaching the destination, and the player can loot it's body for all the equipment they gave it initially.
3. Last night I was asked to go get the dragon stone. I had previously acquired the dragon stone in my random wanderings and stuffed it in a chest in some small village on the way to Whiterun (I had no idea what it was for and it was heavy, but I didn't want to throw it away). When later given the quest for the dragon stone I did not have to go back to wherever I had stashed the stone and run it back to the quest giver, instead the game gave me a dialogue option acknowledging that I had already found the dragon stone and immediately allowed me to complete the quest. Not sure if this was a glitch or intentional, but I like it.
FYI: http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/elder-scrolls-v/1212337p1.html
- I am totally hooked...
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