Well, at least they should give some incentive to the developers in case if the game is successful (commercially), even though they have been laid of after the game release (even sometimes before the release). You know something like a bonus for the sake of the BIG MONEY that companies make.
I dont mind to DLC's, unless they have been planned before hand, notably while the original title is in development. However afterwhile it will brake the bones, as people will get fed up with the same content. IMHO, this is just a temporary measure to keep people busy for a long time with the title which was released year or two ago. I guess the reason for this is beyond the marketing or financial side of it. Matter is that developers cant anymore make a severe changes to games by means of graphics, storyline, features, interaction and etc. Thus once the original title was released, they keep feeding the content for the same old game which possible could span up to 2-3 years with its DLC poping out every three to six month and not spending time or effort on developping new games for the future technologies. Well, yes future technology? Which one? This is the bottleneck here. Games are not anymore different from each other with their graphical enhancements. I think we stuck with DLC's for a long time now, and by the force of the market they will definitely get enhanced and hopefully play a great role in the game content.
I think it is a gimmick. I dont think it will change the gaming experience or what so ever....future of the gaming is stuck and badly! Either we totaly change it in all aspects or we just live with what we have. 3D games and televisions will make difference for a while but what after? two, three weeks later you will get use to it and basically you won't feel much diferrence as you will not be able to compare it with "previous technology" - (of course if you will not get rid of your old television and won't play the non 3D games on it) - yes exactly it is a replacement of ..... Anyway, this is just a temporary enhancement with respect to visual presentation of developed games but still with current and the only technology we have in hands. The future of gaming lies some where out there...be patient.
vufor's comments