Its gonna be one COLD night!
by vyrizzle on Comments
So the past few years i have lived in Arizona, and if you know anything about this country, you know it never gets any colder then like 80 degrees in arizona. Well i go to school in Minnesota, and it seems to get REALLY COLD. I am not bothered by it since i grew up in Chicago, but maybe this year it might get to me. I have missed my chance at the Wii preorder at Gamespot, and i missed it this weekend for Toys'r'us. So now i am doing my very first, more then likely my last, all night camp out. I dont know how i am gonna do this. I mean, i hope it doesnt get to like 0 below somehow in the middle of november, it doesnt seem logical. Yet, with jus tmy luck, it will probably happen. But no matter how cold, or if it snows, i will be out there, freezing my bottom off, for a wii. I will not come back empty handed. The weather will be bad for me, but i will overcome. Just wish me luck on that frightful night that the people around me will be friendly and let me use thier space heater or something!! And i guess i better get addicted to coffee or something now so that it will keep me awake. On a lighter note, or should i say more posotive note, maybe there will be a midnight release, which would make that night all the more EASY on me. Wish me luck!
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