Hey Look! It's w00t_2006 weekly updates!
by w00t_2006 on Comments
Hi there! You are now officially reading w00t_2006's weekly updates. Notice that I replaced "daily" with "weeky"....because I can! Anyways great news! Well, for me, The Wii comes out on November 19! w00t! Happy day! :D I might be able to buy it at launch because the Wii's price tag is......:drum roll $250 bucks! So cheap! In other news, my mouth hurts. (Curse you braces. :evil: ) I can't chew anything without the usual "Ow!". At school today there was no room at the table in my school's cafeteria were I usually sit, so guess where I had to sit with. (Don't worry, it wasn't bad.) Totally HOT asians! Well, Filipino's. (Yes, I'm filipino :P) It was heaven over there. I should sit there more often. :? Well, I'm at home right now. I was playing some Guitar Hero, and I finally 5* Ace of Spades on Hard! I feel so awesome! :) Stupid school. I have Math, Langauge Arts, and Science homework. And it's all due tommorow :cry: Well that's all for w00t_2006 weekly updates! (Now If you'll excuse me........I gotta do some homework. :()