These days it's basiclly consoles right? Probably yeah...but I disagree.If you want to talk graphics you would probably say that the PS3 has the most graphical power.Right?Wrong.The PC has it.By the time the Consoles get to graphic standpoint of Crysis we will have a even better looking game.Although you need a high-end rig to enjoy games on very-high you can still enjoy them at low that looks good too.I have been a low-graphics dude like almost forever.I can play everything new but at low graphics but hell it still looks good.I can play 2004-2005 games on very high but these new games are killing me and my computer.But still low graphics still looks better.And the developers (the few developers that make PC games) optimize their games to work great on older machines (like mine).Hell i might be able to play Crysis and Bioshock but on low.The consoles have 1 advantage though.You don't need to upgrade your hardware to play new games.That is a plus to consoles.But the PC will always have better graphics if exploited right. That was about graphics now about controls.Why do people say that you can't play fighting games on the PC?They control beautifly.I saw some shareware games on the net and they are pretty damn good.The controls too.You can easaliy map the controls and stuff.Also the Mouse+Keyboard control is great and it's better than the PlayStations Xboxes and Wiis.I played GTA San andreas on a PS2 and the controls were horrific.I couldn't shoot anything.I played it on the PC a few days after and the controls were incredibly easy to learn and master.Also you don't need a gamepad to play DMC3 : SE you can play it fine with the keyboard. The genres.All of the genres can be played on a PC.But can you play a Strategy game on a console?Hell no it's much harder to control everything and if you do cross-platform PC players would simply pwn the Xbox players.You can easaly steer your units with the mouse and order them to attack with with the buttons but you can hardly steer the troops and order them with the consoles controls.The only remedy to that problem is the Wii that has a controller similar to the mouse.But the mouse is superior. Consoles?Hell no.PC baby. (this was a rant of a very big PC gamer ONLY and if you disagree and start to spam my PM with flames to start a flame war you will certanly lose to my big huge hands) [also the milion spelling mistakes are legitimate cause it's 3 AM here and I won't start spell check cause I am very very lazy and want to sleep ATM]
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