@davillain-: Well there was Agent and then Grand Theft Auto Enhanced Edition at E3. That's why I wonder if Rockstar might have something along side Microsoft.
WadeDMcGinnis' forum posts
So long as we don't have Chloe and the ending has substance, I am all for it. I felt the studio did better on Life is Strange versus Remember Me. Optimistic for the upcoming vampire inspired game (worried about the combat) but we will see.
If I had to say, I hope that System Shock 3 lives up to it's IP and is the "true spiritual successor". We have the remaster/re-imagining coming out this year and may be SS3 next year. With the chance of seeing System Shock 2 get the same treatment as System Shock.
I never played the original Crash so I am looking forward to this. Figure it might be fun. Reminds me of the modern runner unless I am wrong in thinking that.
@neworder1984: XCOM 2 difficult?
Maybe kinda tedious if you're save scumming on ironman, but not difficult.
I am playing Ironman on Rookie. It gets hard towards the latter levels. For example, the level of blowing up the facility. You must sneak in to the facility and place the C4. It is very hard to fight all enemies. You also need to know the strategic part of the game. What facilities to build and how to save supplies. I used a cheat to give me a million of supplies :).. hate being restricted!
I think the thing that is missing from the title is games YOU found over-rated or overly difficult. If the @neworder1984 found those to be rather tedious or hard (not challenging like some have mention) then to each their own.
I would say mine is Ecco (never played as a kid, currently playing the series now) and Battletoads. I still hate that level where you have to rappel down the cavern. Ugh......Something more recent. Hmm. Gonna have to say Dead by Daylight. The reason is it's a broken buggy game that gives advantage to those that play more often with un-godly abilities to smite first timers. I am all for skill but not game changing abilities in a multiplayer.
Add Prince of Persia (original on pc) and Double Dragon (NES) to your list.
Never played the original Prince of Persia and only really watch that really cheesy movie of Double Dragon hah.
@wadedmcginnis: DONT EVER SAY Ecco again, that game gave me nightmares as a kid.
The first game had me screaming, yelling, and otherwise throwing an adult fit. Don't get why people love it but screw the first game. The second, ugh. Whoever thought that jumping through hoops to get to another level was a great idea should have been punished.
For me Prey was a broken game from start to finish while Nier ran smoothly. Honestly Prey was close to being my Game of the Year but ten crashes, nine corrupted saves over three campaigns (80 hours lost in total), sort of shot itself in the foot.
If your looking for immersion, Prey, hopefully you have a better time with the performance. Otherwise Nier is a great time. Both have a lot of content and replayability.
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