first thing today I woke to a call from my best friend dave who wished to be at my house for the day so I spent 45 min. driving to his house to pick him up since he does not drive dispite being 21.... so I get back home, make a call to the EB in waltham to make sure the alfred chicken was still "in stock for NES" they said "yes" so I said hold it for me please and off I went...... a little over 45 min. later I was there and said "I'm here for alfred chicken, I called earlier..... they were all "we're super sorry we like totally don't have it for NES but we do have it on SNES." (EB needs to stop hireing brain dead bimbos) I acted like I wasn't pissed even though I completely was........
I took a look around (I wish I had broght more money with me......) they had quite a few really rare and/or good games I didn't own...... but I managed to grab WCW wrestling with instructions and wild gunman for NES and Suikoden for PS1 and Shining Force for Genesis and probabally would have bought more NES, SNES, GENESIS, PS1 games if I had more money.... (they had xenogears ps, sonic collection gen, and a few more....
on my way out I noticed a raffle for winning a Gamecube system bundle or a 2 game bundle for the system of your choice (simpsons H&R and MVP BB2005) even though I've never won anything before I felt like signing up so me and my friend signed up us, our parents, our siblings and a few friends..... and left........ after another 45 minish ride home we tried out the games they all worked and just as we started trying shining force we got a call from my mother who I forgot to tell about the contest........ but we won and I got two free games...... but I think I spent more on gas then the games are worth........ so 45 min back to pick em up then 45 min home......
a few rounds of KOF05 and 15 min of Champs of Norath my friend decides it's time to leave...... and wouldn't cha know it.... can't can't get his own ride home..... so up to me again, 45 min there 45 min back..... now I've offically spent more on gas then I was even willing to pay for a game.......
moral is....
get an electric car if money is tight, get a good job to pay for OCD collecting and never EVER let a friend walk all over you..... you can't stop once it happens once.......
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