With "Saints Row the Third" releasing at midnight tonight, I thought I would share some of my experiences with people's unjustified and bias hate... yes, hate towards this amazing series.
#1 - "The GTA Rip-off theory".
This is the most common and most oafish thought. I've heard all sorts of spouting about this... like "That game is just a GTA clone" or "They're just trying to be GTA" or even "It'll never be as good as GTA". With that said, those people are nothing but ignorant fanboys.
GTA games are just not very good... no swimming, bad controls, terrible aiming, poor driving controls...
In saints row 1 and 2 you can swim, the controls are very responsive and easily picked up, the aiming is almost perfect and the driving is near flawless except during a few missions where looking around might be difficult at high speeds...
all that aside, the main thing about GTA that is different from SR is the fact that GTA takes itself WAY TOO SERIOUSLY... the level of violent mayhem in GTA should only be taken seriously in real life... at least in my opinion... and if you're killing cops you should at least have a good reason... which brings me to my second misconception.
#2. - "The it encourages gang violence / poor civil behavior theory" wile the second part may have a little merit, the same can be said for most games... especially GTA... the first part however is is only moderately true. the fact is -this will have spoilers- *The Saints Row games stroylines pan out to show that your "gang" is not a typical street gang... they are mostly concerned citizens trying to over-throw a corrupt mayor and the corporations controlling the other gangs or supplying them with weapons/drugs/cars or what have you*. Sure, some of the members are there for the wrong reasons... like Jonny Gat who just likes killing... a lot... but thr same can be said for those protesters all over the globe right now... the fact is SOMEONE HAS TO DO SOMETHING... right? lazy people who sit on their arse and complain to the internet are not doing anything... I think we can all agree about that yes?
and to further elaborate on point one and point two at the same time; Saint's row would never take itself seriously. The fact is, they go out of their way to openly mock themselves... and life... Zombies, ridiculous one-liners, over-use of purple, hilarious parodies of things varying from fast food chains to cars... and to top it off brilliant music choices... and great radio shows.
#3. - "I just don't like GTA-styIe games thing" Well, I got news for ya, I don't either... but for some reason, I found Saints to be great... perhaps the humor, perhaps the fact it takes itself as a joke or perhaps the user-friendly controls... I dunno... all I can say is, I played SR1 and fell in love... and I've played all the GTA games and always left them with a sour taste in my mouth... (since the 3D ones started anyway, I actually liked the 2D ones)
#4. - "I don't wanna be a "gangsta" like all the other ignorant children now a days" - well, I don't either... matter of fact, I don't even let my kids have friends in the house that act like one... but since you can be whoever you want in SR, it's a non-point. Besides, they are all playing GTA... like you.
#5. - "It's just another over-rated open world game" that one I am always confused about, it comes from people who don't like 3rd person shooters usually... but not always... I got nothing substantial to say to that... other than, play SR1 and take down at least one gang and tell me you don't laugh at what your character says at the cut-scene. I dare you.
Anyway, I'm not too worried about SR3 since it's clearly gone WAYYYYYYY over the top to appeal to literally every possible audience... and as long as the core gameplay is the same, it should be epic.
It has a crazy high pre-order numbers and a rating as high as BF3, MW3 and almost as high as Skyrim. so... I don't need to shill any further... I hope to see you all on later ;)
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