ok, I know my plan was to just list the rare buys, but today that plan got bashed in the face, first, we sold a game on the planed list, second we got down to a last copy of a game I was waitig for the last copy of.....
so, after work today (I stayed late again) I grabbed 1 off my list and 1 that I wanted..
Disaster Report (PS2) mint & complete **mid level rare** love this game for 3 reasons, 1. it is by agetec - 2. it's got great gameplay - 3. the girl on the cover always makes me want to watch Smallville....
Ace Combat Advance (GBA) new & sealed-mint *low level rare, hard to find mint though* that makes it offical, I have all Ace Combat games
total was $17.60
a final note, I called a store right next to the one I'm being transfered to, they have almost every ngage game, so first day out there will be interesting.... Jan 2nd
so, with XMAS 2 days away, I'll most likly be posting nothing because I'm not getting anything(unless pyros package arrives)....... anywho, happy holidays!
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