I got my first warned acount warning EVER in 6 years! I got it for "disruptive posting" when first, the message was on a thread that was 3 years old on a game no one but me knows about. there were 2 or 3 other people that posted there on occasion but just the random thread, when the topic was made the "disruptive post" wasn't a TOS violation but became one at the last TOS update. I tried to contest but since it goes to the person the modded me there was no way they were going to admit they were wrong. I got the "you shouldve gone back and deleted it"
the topic just closed yesterday after reaching 500 posts so I guess thats how it got seen..... but still thats rediculus to go through 500 pages to find 1 TOS violation that couldn't have possibly disrupted anyone.....
in gaming news, I noticed that kingdom under fire must have gotten a last second edit and the word "pope" was replaced in text by "patriarch" and just taken out in sound...
SWbattlefront II is still more lagy then the first one was.
the animanics game is a definite must have for all animanics fans. featuring the full cast rehired and great action/adventure platforming....
cubivore is well worth the price.