friday: picked up my sister from the parents house and drove her into maine for a college visit. left at 6 AM got to the colege at 10:30ish droped her off the went in search of the great YTC and got embarresingly lost.....found a redemption center and cashed in my vans load capacity of bottles and cans only redeemable in maine... ended up with $41.20! ....... found my way back to the college and waited whilst playing GBAsp after she got out at about 1:30 PM I was then instructed to drive her to a new hampshire college in which she was also needing to visit.... got to that about an hour and a half later and had to wait a few more hours. ended up getting home at 11:30ish.....
saturday:had a phone fight with my girlfriend.... I hung up.... had to pick up a friend and on the way back I stopped at my former place of enployment to claim some reserved games only to find out they were already shipped back to be "recycled" I bought a minty copy of WWF: smackdown 2 used for 63cents and walked out.... got home and let my friend use my PS2 to beat Okage Shadow king (beealzebub and I) and then he said "he couldn't stay awake longer" (time being 8:00pm) and called his mom to get him..... I proceded to recieve more phone calls from my girlfriend but after about 20 I left the phone off the hook..... (girls lie) I played SD2 while also playing Counterstrike on live till 2 AM then hit the hay
sunday: my brother lets himself in as usual and for once I didn't mind.... he actually brought 3 of my games back and 5 of my DVDs back..... so I let him borrow MVP05'..... I'll probabally see it again next august or something........ he also lost the instructions for battlefront....... he stayed all day with his daughter..... we would have used the pool had I knew how to fix the filter...... but we played with his daughter and hung out outside untill his wife showed up and we had dinner and here we are........ he left as I was writing this
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