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my thoughts on TODAYS america...... (possibly offencive)

first of all..... there is no longer a way to punish children....... so what now? do we let them just do what they want? NO! we put them on medication or lock them in a mental hospital or some sort of residential program........ those are not solutions.......

second, when did violence become more acceptable then nudity? is it just me or did "top half" nudity used to be considered beautiful and not offensive? I'd like to compare if you will movies from let's say.... 1975 -1988 to movies made in the last 10-15 years you WILL notice watching them there is lots of "top half" nudity AND lower half both front and back (not to mention that only top half used to just be PG-13) in the earlier movies but as we go forward it gets less and less but gets replaced with violence. VIOLENCE! c'mon seriously, do we need more violence? no, no we don't. how come the news and government attacks games for being violent despite ratings but not movies? I know it's stupid to mention the same thing I already had in an earlier entry but it's relevant again..... the superbowl.... 1 boob for less then 6 seconds turned into more news coverage and criticism then A FREAKING WAR! OR 9-11! seriously what the crap is wrong with our culture?

third, the red states..... it's not that everyone in them is stupid it just so happens that there are just more stupid then not I happen to know ALOT of stupid people in the blue states.... but I am sure even the people who voted for bush are smarter then him *cough*12 I.Q.points from mentally retarded*cough*

up until 9-11 all terrorists that bombed anything were American born and raised so why the big deal about bin ladden? why didn't we just go to war with ourselves?is it because it was an outside attack? agreed that we should go after him, but did we...... a little but then we gave up and went after a shiny new pipeline instead......

anti cigarette/tobacco campaign, my thoughts on this are FULL of rage....... ok, first let me say I haven’t smoked since my second year of high school and I have never and will never use alcohol.
anti smoking is absurd if you aren’t also going to anti drinking. most people argue that smoking kills people.... well maybe just maybe it does if you already have a family history of cancer you MIGHT get cancer maybe somewhere someday...... drinking is just as bad as pot, acid, cocaine, heroin and morphine combined so why isn't there a any drinking campaign? people argue that drinking doesn't kill anyone........ BULL POOP there are more ways to die from drinking then anything else EVER...... let's count
1.alcohol poisoning
3.drunkin bar fights
4.choke on own vomit
5.losing balance.....a. walking on a bride fall off and die b. walking on a sidewalk fall in front of a car c. top of a building woooooo kersplat d. anything else like that
6.driving accidents that kill not only you but anyone who is unfortunate enough to be with you or around you or anything you hit
7.since alcohol alters your state of mind things you are normally good at you won't do right like say swimming *drowning* carpentry *loss of fingers, limbs, life* driving *refer to 6* flying a pane/helicopter *crash* shooting a gun *accidental death* and more
8.again, since alcohol alters your state of mind you will be tempted to do things you wouldn't normally do but you have even less of a chance of doing it right

computers, too expensive and never actually new *updates every few days* too much spyware,adware and virus stuff

videogames *refer to earlier journal entry*

economy AHHHHHHHHHH! you all complain about the economy, well to bad! you're stuck with it because YOU voted in Bush and if you didn't vote for him then I am sorry but don't blame, bush blame the people that voted for him

gas prices, stop whining. do you realize we still pay less for gas then ANY other country?

TV, WHAT THE CHEESE! almost nothing but reality shows, game shows ,sappy fake talk shows and edited for younger viewers anime..... no educational programming.... even sesame street has almost no educational value anymore.....TV sucks now

music, why......... why is gangster rap popular?....... I guess everyone is into killing, rape, berating women, stealing, drugs, booze, hardcore sex, ect. and apparently all live in a ghetto.....

corporations, they buy any smaller business... first the stuff that do already then anything else in their way

Obesity and fad diets....... FAD DIETS ARE NOT REAL! duh! no diet can make you thin, only thing that will is exorcize (diets don't hurt) semi anorexics are stupid if you only eat a little now and then to lost weight, guess what, you won't! you will gain weight because your metabolism will slow to compensate......

that’s enough for now my eyes hurt.....

actually I'll add a final thought...... If we continue to censor everything the more we won't have to sensor until the country becomes like the book the giver...... everything is gray (people clothes plants EVERYYTHING) there are no emotions (solved with pills) there is no fun (hard to have fun with no emotion) there are no "cars" and each "community" has only a few "birthers" and such..... in short..... LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IS DOOMED!