I know, I have complained at every update they have made since the 360 Blade era... but hear me out... the previous updates were at least moderately tolorable... this new one takes all the stuff I didn't like and pushes it all in my face to an extreme.
first off, it's extremely bias against those of us still on standard tube TVs under 40 inches. hard to read anything on the screen now... ANYTHING. before it was just a few things I couldn't read... like gamer score, messages, friends number...I'm sorry I spend money on games instead of a new TV...
second, the new browsing is tedious... extremely tedious... getting to things that used to take a few seconds now take almost a minute.
third, shoving social networking and "apps" in my face. EFF YOU I don't want that **** in my phone, I don't want that **** in my PC and I sure as hell don't want it on my TV.
Forth, the game marketplace - destroyed. it is destroyed. no more proper browsing ever again... enjoy the jumble/cluster-****. way to go...
fifth, more forcing Kinect down our throats... first off, Kinect is bias against people who can't move around much if at all... so already it's a horrible thing... but for people who really don't want it, it's not fair to shove it in our faces. moreover, how many people are aware that kinect records everything you say and do and sends it to microsoft and its partners unless you specifically tell it not to in the settings menus? (even if the system is off, it keeps recording)
sixth, even more lag and disconnects. are you kidding me here? ever since avatars came into existence the connection has dropped by a staggering amount (I forgot the exact numbers of KPS but each avatar on live drags it down an amount even more so if they use a lot of DLC on them) so all the extra dashboard stuff does what? drain the connection further... even while showing only 3 avatars at a time? great... lag and discons from the dashboard... that's just SUPER...
seventh... only being able to see 3 friends at a time? okay... awesome... now we get to use the guide button list again like we used to back when it was a blade...
I could go one and on... but that's enough for now, I'm going to go play some Star Trek Online till I feel I've played too much.