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new setup in the works, new found games!, I still hate GS!

I am re-redoing my rooms since I ran out of room again......

now I have 1 PC set up and my AppleIIGS and C64 are set up too! I also hooked up my mac and powermac the powermac needs a new thingy to work right.......(sorry, I stopped learning the techno gargen years ago) anywho, in the process I found the following games mixed in with my old software!

King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (PC)

Fraction Munchers (PC) (not in DB)

Super Munchers (PC) (not in DB)

Shufflepuck Café (MAC) (this is an all tie fav of mine, Air Hockey was never so fun as this game! black and white didn't hurt it at all!) (not in DB)

Hunt For Red October (MAC) (I remember how hard this was as a kid, I'd probabally rule it now....too bad its not in the DB)

Las Vegas Video Poker (MAC) (not in DB)

Hoyle's Book Of Games (PC) (I thought it was a weird early shareware thing from Hoyle  but it's an indipendent game! it has a bunch of games, moree so then expected for a 80's release! I was surprised to see it in the DB too!)

Storybook Weaver (MAC) (this thing started me down the path of writing the lead to video games..... how ironic......) (not in DB)

Mario Teaches Typing (MAC) (this game was so uber crap, but it was one of the earliest games Mario whored himself to!) (no mac version in the DB!) (I'm adding the PC one untill the MAC one is added)

Reader Rabbit (PC) (not as fun as I remembered it, I guess in preK-2nd reading at a 5-7 year old level is fun in game form...... I blaime games like this for making me learn how to read the news papper before I got to effing pre school!) (not in DB)

sim city 2000 (mac) pretty sure I knew I had this....

Disney Screen savers by afterdark, I know not a game but its fun to have right?

Sim Tower demo (mac), sure its fun......... for 10 min.

I also found various softare I was unaware of, I killed alot of clip art disks since 58 were alot to go thrugh without still owning the book...... I also found some killer warcraft 2 and Civ 2 saves!

I will be taking new pics sometime after I send 8bit his gift. and after I see serenity so most likly tuesday, plus I need to clean now, the place is a mess......