which company's HDD would you guys prefer? seagate, western digital, hitachi or what? i want one from western digital but my friend says i should get one from seagate :/
The back up takes everything on your HDD. If you don't have an external storage device large enough it will tell you. The back up makes no exceptions, it's a giant, blanket copy of everything saved on the HDD.emitsu97
so you saying i gotta find a 60 GB external drive? :o
yeah my music is from my PC. but the videos were download from playstation store. but i dont really care about them. I am more interested in backing up my savegames and profile and system settings. so I am good to go with 10 GB memory stick to backup my savegames and profile?
good thing I wont have to install ps3 operating system, i heard :D
hey so i wanna install a new HDD in ps3 of like 320GB and I wanna back up my data. I have a 10GB flash drive. my 60GB PS3 HDD is almost full with music videos and games. I was wondering what exactly PS3 would back up? all my music, videos and save games? or just my profile and save games?
Can I ask you why you want Pakistani gamers?darkad1
because I ahve been playing with sooo many gamers from all over the world but I dont see much pakistani gamers. so I thought to play with them and chat while playing and share experiences... in simple wors so I can get connected. LOL
YA i agree with u but add one thing GOW solo campaign is really short but GOW online gameplay is awsome and best online game ever i play gow for atlest 3 to 4 hours daily, the people who r complaining about this game, i can bet they have not played this game online for atleast 2 hours, had they, they have been the addicts of GOW ONLINE......
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