It’s not that expensive tbh. I thought you talking prices like 100T/Gucci bag. $250 for a watch is cheap. $240 for a jacket it’s a bit high. And the wallet is reasonable for $100.
Obviously it’s not designed for high school student with a part time job.
@LVT_PTA_PB: They didn't sell enough next gen consoles that's why PS exclusive games like Horizon and GoW are going to be on PS4 as well. Xbox is doing the same thing
@Nineball2112: I Enjoy it, it gives me the chance to see how far I advanced and if I should buy it and unlock the content since I don't play every season.
EA should close down Bioware and let the management go. Anthem and Mass Effect turned out to be nothing. Bioware basically lied to EA and fans about how the game is gonna look and play.
wallacom's comments