wan_ching / Member

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the month of november and december!!!

hey you all, i hope every thing is going well...

in the month of novemeber, i finish college on the 21 and had my grad on the 23, which i so enjoyed, then 28 nov i started my practical and it's going to last till 10 dec.

in dec:

10 dec i finish my practical - Holiday!!!

23 dec my bday!!! turning 21!!!!

this month the dvd that i got: shooter (great movie!!! should watch!!!), neil, and csi season 5. (not as much as LB80!!! lol

box set dvd: i got 24 all together

dvd movie: i got about 60 also

any way my new friends are:Dakotagirl823, _DiNozzoLover_, samHouse and r_hall_90, thanks for tracking me!!!

On tv.com:

i have posted 385,115away from 500!!!

for submission i'm 23 away from 100!!! and i havedone 101 reviews.

hope i didn't bored you with this.
