oh please, do go on.
warhammer94960's forum posts
The game autodetected my settings at high, and it was working but i would occationally get some lag, but as soon as there are a few people trying to kill me, forget about it screen tearing, horrible performance and downright unplayable. My machine has a windows performance rating of 5.7 and the game reccomended is 4.8. I can play farcry 2 with full everything and not a single problem.
my specs: Intel quad core 2.15 ghz, Vista 64bit (sucks i know), 6gigs of ram and ATI mobility Radeon HD 4650 (1 gig)
i shouldnt have a problem running this game! my computer runs fallout 3 full specs like nothing....any advice would be greatly appreciated
The problem is fanboys. They have no spine. They'll buy the most ridiculous thing if it has their favorite brand on it. So I'm afraid DLC will only keep getting worse, especially if the game is really popular or a cult hit. You see what I'm saying? :)istuffedsunnycute, but DUH
It isn't that difficult to understand capatalism. When you have a product that works, you release a bunch of things that go with that product to squeeze every last penny from us loyal gamers. That is what i am talking about. What worries me is that i comepletely planned on buying Mass Effect 2...now that i am told the assassin who we have seen many trailers of (please immediatly buy our dlc loyal gamers) i feel i will end up spending tons of money on this game before Bioware releases the third installment. As it is now, i will wait and see how many downloadable content packs will be made available versus the core content of the game.
If...like in Dragon Age: Origins you want to withhold one of the most powerful party members and enjoyable ad ons i will wait. That is what the argument comes down to. You want my hard earned money? Make me a game like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I can get the whole game experience from the original, when we are talking about role playing games it is a very different story and i suggest no one buys into anymore.
Quick amendment to that statement: Fallout 3 plus all of the additional content cost well over 100 dollars plus tax...................
I have to note here that I was a major sucker for the fallout 3 dlc packs...Iunderstand that there is some content that developers can't include in the game, but on DVD's we call that the deleted scenes. I feel that in recent times, especially after the success of additional content in fallout 3 and other games, downloadable content has become a way to tack on even more money to already expensive games. Think of it this way, a major blockbuster movie [like avatar which spent millions in marketing alone] will cost upwards of $10 a ticket, but there are millions and millions of people buying tickets...the video game industry has a more limited market that isn't EVERYONE indulging in their product. These developers know that if people like their games, they can bleed them dry in no uncertain terms...no single game should cost almost 100 AMRERICAN DOLLARS to own completely....If you bought Fallout 3 for Xbox 360 when it came out and all its DLC packs then that is exactly what you have done. If developers wanted players to stay loyal, then why try to buy into the classic new millienium pitfall of overcharging people for things they have come to expect??
In the end, I just want people to LOUDLY voice their opionion on this matter because I feel this borders on the atrocity of releasing the sequel to Starcraft (a game made by its players) in three separate installments...we all know this was only done because true fans will buy each over-priced piece.
I have always understood and actually enjoyed expansions and additions to games that i love, and it has always been a strategy of game companies to make additive material available for popular titles because people will buy it. The thing that gets me is how shameless it's all becoming, now ME2 is shipping with a dlc that as i understand it wont be free...games like fallout 3 can cost over 90 dollars. Why not combine 3 of those relativly small packages and release them as one expansion for 19.99? I think that the gamer community is a loyal one, and sometimes people need to step back and honestly weigh providing a lot of exciting and enjoyable content with the base game to releaseing a slow trickle of content that keeps people spending. Basically it can't be that hard to include some of the cool crap in the vanilla game, and developers need to curtail the cow pies here.
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