OK so here is my problem. I have finished the game on the hardest level & I am no trying to get the "Mission Accomplished" achievement. The only level I need to complete the secondary objective to get the achievement is "Who the hell are the guy?" but everytime I reach the checkpoint where you get the tank & little bird support & it says in the objectives to destroy fleeing vehicles! I destroy all vehicles that i come across & nothing! I get to the next checkpoint & the objective is not completed & I can't seem to figure out why? I try rushing the stage in case the vehicle leaves early, I carry the zues with me, EVERYTHING! Can someone who has this achievement help me? Are some discs glitching or something or is it just me? Thanks.
Is it just me? But if a game was to be released on the X360 & PS3 I would rather get the X360 version. What do you think of Achievement Points? Are they just useless? Or do they actually give you a chance to show others what you have accomplished for a particular game? I think they are usefull in cmoparing what you have & have not done.
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