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Wheres the stores with pc games near me?

Well I recently got really into pc gaming because I got a nice computer, but when i go to my local gamestop to buy pc games its just really WoW and other blizzard games. I mean yea WoW is fun but i cant seem to play more than a few hours a day unlike what I did with Oblivion when I got it for my 360. Also i work at a toy store so I look in the video game department on my break every week to see new games and there's only like 5 pc games that aren't learning or the Sims. Did pc gaming really start to go down hill or has it never been easy to find many games. I mean pc games have more replayability than its system port because of mods. Take Oblivion for example, on the 360 I put about 300 hours between my characters with expansions. Now if I had this on my pc i could easily add about 400 more hours due to mods that add quests, weapons, npc, towns, and even one thats lets you go back to Morrowind. I mean if you look at replayability the pc has every system beat because of all this user created content. Few games on a system will allow mods like Unreal Tournament 3 for the PS3. This makes that version superior to the 360 version if you just look at features not graphics or other slight system differences. Even if you do look at graphics the pc has the best because you can change how your system runs. The man bad thing about pc gaming is the amount it costs to get a rig that can run almost any game at high due to high graphics, huge worlds, and a large amount of content that cant fit on anyone disk the is currently released to the public. With blue ray we are getting closer to the point of pc graphics on a system but after a year or two pc games will even further the way games should look. Crysis did this last year by making a game look so amazing it made people have to spend thousands of dollars (or what ever type of currency you use) to be able to run this game. Consoles cant ever have this happen because they have a set limit to what it can handle. This potential usually doesn't show till the end of a systems life Span but it does happen sooner or later. Also the console has a controller with controls that could change from game to game even if the games are very similar. With most pc games you can map the controls your used to to get a good feel for the game the very first time you play it. If consoles are the future of gaming then the future of gaming maby dark. The pc has much more content for any one game and even can fix things sooner than it can for a console game. The console is still great for gaming its just that pc games are worth more for your money.

WoW update

Well i could not play WoW cause of my crappy ram on my computer so ill just wait till i get my new computer witch will be around december. Im going back on kal now too. But now im going on a private server just so the leveling is easyer and a nicer comunity and gm that will care about the game.

World of Warcraft

When i just bought my starcraft battle chest i got a 14 day trial for WoW. Im going to try world of warcraft out soon so i might be playing it with both its expansions ifI find it to be a good game.

Guild Wars

To me guild wars is a fun mmo and the guild system is great. You can have practics agenst your own guild and have unranked fighrs agenst other guilds. There is non guild pvp, guild pvp,and aliance pvp. Guilds can also make capes to show who is in what guild.You can also get a guild hall witch is an area just for you and your guild you canalso you can invite friends that are not in the guild to go there.If you also have nightfall and factions you can pick up to 10 classes. Each class has there own sets of skills and you can pick up to 2 different class a secondary and a primary class. There are many quests and some are very hard you will need the help of other people. But when your not in a town they make a private area for you and your party the only people you will see are people that are in your party. This is defiantly a game I would recomend. There is no monthly fee but you need to buy the game to have an account. I give this game a 9.4.

Second post in many mounths

yea im back and i will try to write more of these i just got hooked to mmos and my 360 so im back and now im going to play guild wars ill probly write a review and rate it so look for that within the next mounth or so and my gamer tag on 360 is warprofiting so if u see that its me and im not going to be grammicaly correct or spell things right so deal with that but i said befor im back and playing guild wars

I beat RE 4

I finaly beat RE 4 and i got every charicter in mercinary mode.  I am so happy i finaly did this because i aways wanted mericanry mode.  Also im going back to school soon :cry:.  I really dont want to go but i have too and im out of middle school.  And finaly im probly going to start a video blog for on here.