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water3393 Blog


Well, the other day, i was banned from my the place that I've spent all of my time for the last 6 months. it was a harry Potter RPG called snitchseeker.com. I was first killed by a dark lord wannabe. Then after one agry letter to my killer, i was banned. Now, I promise to become a regular contributor again! Yay! I'm back! But I have a favor for you. if you could go on the site and get in contact with the headmaster, and tell him to let "hufflepuff_keeper_11" back on! I would really appreciate it!

I also am now trying to get 16 of thise things/buttons on my profile by the end of the year! Please help in any way you can (suggestions on easy one's would really help!

Stop Over reacting!!!

If you saw the NYCC trailer and also saw the supposed "Zutara scene" then don't panic!! You can all put your shirt back on, you can all stop chewing your nails, you can all stop running in a circle crying and flailing and bashing into walls and having spasms! It dosen't mean anything! Sure, OUT of context it might just a nanometer of a bit be a zutara moment but we won't be sure it means anything, yet. it's amazing how 2 seconds of , in my opinion, nothing disturbes everyone. I mean even my best freind who is a -or should i say (possibly) WAS [gasps]- a HUGE Kataang suppoter and would never had been shacken, is now thinking of becoming a [looks around to see if anyone is watching and then wispers] zutara supporter [mother smacks me for saying a curse word]! I can't beleive it, so like the title says STOP OVER REACTING!!!!!!!!! I am still a hihg-strong, full-on, never wavering KATAANG supporter!!!! [cheers for kataang and even makes a theme song for it]....well ya. Stop over reacting. it's no big deal. I mean in every series the main character dates the one he/she is meant to be with, breaks up with him/her and they get back together the last one or two episodes of the series (examples: harry potter, star wars, gilmore girls, and even You've got mail) this is no reason for kataangs to panic. Just hold it out and we will get what is to come (which is kataang of course) in due time. O.K. So, just relax Kataang still rules!

Nick's Stupidity

O.K. this is getting rediculous!!!!!! do you realive FBM aired OVER 3 MONTHS AGO [sighs] [curses] [starts to cry] [curses again] [and finally sighs again] well.... for Nick's sake they better air Boiling Rock or they'll have an army of irate Avatar fans swarming their studios looking for boiling rock! i know i'll be there!

Hi again

Sorry I've been gone for so long. I was on vacation at the Flordia beach house my grandparents left the family and of course 94 yr. old people have no use for Wireless internet, so there was no chance of getting online. Well, I'm back now and I'm very feed up with Boiling Rock not airing and i think it's safe to say it's time time for drastic measures. any ideas? come on I'm dying here. i mean I was checked into the hospital yesterday for AWS (Avatar Withdrawl Symtom) it was pretty serious. so any way just hanging out waiting for boiling rock. I'll check back in later BYE!!!!:P

Seasons 1 and 2 of Avatar: The Last Airbender

Has any one ever noticed that seasons 1 and 2 of Avatar flow really nicely when you watch them back to back? Well, they do! That's what I did this weekend (and tuesday and wendsday when southern Pa had two snow days) it was really cool

Bad Week end

I had the worst weekend because:

1. Boiling Rock didn't air

2. I had a terrible head cold

3. Pucksitany Phil said there would be 6 more weeks of winter

Boiling Rock

OH MY Gosh! I am so ready for Boiling rock. I can't wait. When will it come out? I'm dieing here. If anyone has info on Boiling rock send me a message because I'm so anxious!

Harry Potter

It's so cool! I just blew my Christmas money. I'm a huge Harry Potter Fan so I bought some meorablia from the movie including Sirius Black's wand! It's really cool! I'm still waiting for Boiling Rock(it's an episode of avatar)!

Sig. Contest

So I got the coolest Waterbending banner!, and now I'm looking for a big Waterbanding signature! Anyone who has talent at makeing signatures or just any one who wants to, please make me one. If I like it the best I'll acully use it. So thanks for everything.


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