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UFC 09 or Fight Night 4?

The makers of UFC 2009 Undisputed eluded to the fact that they believe their game will be the best fighter this year. Obviously taking a shot at their closest competitor Fight Night Round 4. So which game do you believe will be king? EA promises the fighting animations will run at 120fps.SICK!! UFC 09 boast a massive 80 man roster and promises very deep and responsive gameplay. Now my vote would lean towards Fight Night. The gameplay, animation, graphics, physics, whatever you wanna call it look amazing. The only downside I see is the apparent lack of fighters (cant remember the amount but its not a ton). Still if EA can pull it off (which i have a feeling they will)this looks like one of the greatest realistic fighters if not any fighter in recent memory. I expect both games to be awesome soI guess we'll just wait and see.