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merry christmas gamespotters! plus my christmas presents for this year 2010

merry christmas everyone and happy new year!

here is a list of christmas presents for this year.

i have to say i'm very pleasently surprised this year we desided to write or name on a piece of paper, shuffle it in a hat and then buy presents on the list, but instead got nicely surprised with the following presents:

loco roco: the first one i packed out, an awesome game i'm definetly gonna this one tomorrow

FROM: my brother Leon

daxter: he's half weasel, half otter and 100 percent hero!, again a awesome game

FROM: my brother once again

metal gear solid: digital graphic novel

a very big surprise since i did'nt even know this existed

FROM: three times a charm, my brother once again

alice in wonderland on dvd(2010 Tim Burton): a fun movie when i saw it with my parents months ago in cinema and a visual pleasure to the eye, mad hatter (Johny Depp) was a fun character while alice was a bit dull in my opinion.

FROM: my lovely mom and dad

mad hatter figurine: a bundeled present together with the dvd, this one was one of the most surprising gifts i had in a very long while and i absolutly love it, it has a lot of detail and can stand perfectly between my Edward and Alphonse Elrich figurines.

and that conclutes it for this year.

NEXT BLOG (tommorow): my top 10 movies of 2010

P.S: what presents did you guys get this year?


final day of the vacation shopping wrap-up from the last 2-3 weeks+ other news.

it's the final day of the vacation,on one i wish it lasted longer but on the other hand i'm really happy to see my friends again.

in the last weeks i bought a lot of retro game(got a new emblem for that)and A LOT of manga's,and i'm going to wrap them up for you.

i'm a huge castlevania fan,but then i played it i was kinda dissopointed.

still a fun game (sorry about the huge box art but couldn't find a smaller one).


price i bought it: 5,00 euros

this is what i call a castlevania game!.

(for details read the review)


price i bought it for:5,00 euros

i was expecting an entire different game based on the box art and cartridge,first i fought it was a horror game (no idea were i got that from).

and after that (after seeing what genre it was)i fought it something like perfect dark.

but none of that,you control a little ship that looks like one from extreme G.

didn't like the single player much(way to hard!)but awesome multiplayer.


price i bought it for:10 euros

really odd and quirky race/platform game that is really fun,only lame music and characters.


price i bought it for: 5,00 euros

after i saw it i immediatly bought this game,i played sooooo many times on my friend's emulator.

still as awesome as i could remember.


price i bought it for:5,00 euros

i was soooo happy then i saw this one,as a little kid i played so many time on my old emulator.

it was walking on memory lane,wish this game had a sequel.


price i bought it:5,00 euros

Mischief_Makers.jpg Mischief Makers image by Hellsquire

one of the most suprising awesome games i played in a while,i read a lot of reviews about this game on many sites.

why is it so underappriciated?

6,7 from gamespot and 6,2 from IGN????


price i bought it for: 11 euros

Megalit Boxshot

an another case of a misleading box-art,when i saw this game i fought it would be an rpg (hey wizards mostly mean a rpg)but it is a puzzle game that play as (if you fought that hero on the box then youre wrong) a blob.......yeah what i fought when buying this game...

its a awesome puzzle game that is really unknown(the only box art i could find of this game was on gamespot).

the weirdest thing is that only 1 person on the entire gamespot community!! owns this game and that is me!


price i bought it for:5,00 euros


now going to the manga part,i only bought 1 serie:monster

bought volume 1,4 6 to 16!!

i only owned volume 2,3 and 5 beforebut was instant hooked on.

now i got the series almost complete.

(sorry,couldn't find any good picture from the volumes)

futher:maybe you notest that i deleted all my reviews(or not),that is because i was unhappy with those but going to write new ones in the near future.

and also this a list my future i plan to write.

-10 things you didn't know about me (request from kleyook,i finally read that mail)

-top 10 favorite anime

-top 10 favorite manga

-top 10 all-time favorite movies

- megalit review

-mischief makers review

-top 5 best japanese female singers ever!!

-my entire manga collection plus neibourhood i live

-my all-time favorite snes games

-bomber man:hero review

-my all-time favorite n64 games

-my top 10 favorite musicbands

final word:happy new school year!!!! everybody and buy lots of awesome games

bye be!!!!:D

queen's day 2009 results

hello everybody,

it's queen's day today,it's is a holiday only in the netherlands that was originally something to do with the birthday of the queen's mother.

every year people sell there old stuff,it can be like old toys to old game console and games like the snes and ps1.

just like last year i've got some retro treasures,however on game scale was it pretty low this year but got two DON BLUTH classics.

far-cry:since they really screwed up the wii-version and wanted the first before playing far-cry,and i always wanted this since this game came out but pc had to low capacity.it was 1 euro.

actual score:9,2

klonoa 2:i played the first one and found it a great game on a emulator of a friend,it was hard to get this one since i have bought it from a little kid that first asked 4 euro's for,i bid 2,50 but he still didn't want to sell it.

after hours i came back but he said 3 euro this time,after long consideration he sold it to me for 2,75.

actual score:7,4

anastasia:a movie i saw many many in my childhood and finally on dvd and is always mistaken for disney movie,it's from my favorite animator:don bluth.

the man made the most wonderfull movies like:an american tail,secret of nimh and all dogs go to heaven.

i'm really looking forward to see this movie again.

score:don't know afther all this years.

the secret of N.I.M.H:100 percent suremy starfox {best treasure i've got on queen's dayand also something that i have really wanted and found it}of this year.

i'm really happy that i found probaly one of my all-time favorite movies and the best don bluth movie {after all-dogs go to heaven in my opinion}on dvd,original, no scratches or damage at all for just 75 cents!!!

score:10 of 10,two thumbs up

my own version of the pokemon of the week{actually last week} entry3:GYARADOS



ahh! gyarados has always been and always will be one of my fav's.

it looks really really awesome,has a monsterous physical attack, an amazing speed and a good hp stat.

the 4th generation has very friendly to gyarados and madeit even more fearsome than it was before with a physical waterfall and a new physical water move:aqua tail and also got stone edge and a physical ice move:ice fang.

physical sweeper:

-aqua tail/waterfall


-stone edge

-ice fang

nature:adamant(atk+ speed-)


item:life orb

aqua tail or waterfall is for stab.

eurthquake is for coverage againts steel types who resist aqua tail or waterfall.

stone edge is againts flying types and gives and givesgreat chunk of damage to skarmory who resist aqua tail,waterfall and eurthquake.

and for the final slot ice fang for dragon types who were an annoyance in the last generation for gyarados.


the only weakness is his defensive stats and a 4x weakness to electric that OHKO gyarados in an instant.

still gyarados is very strong and fast pokemon, jolteon and raichu are the only electric pokemon i know that can outspeed a gyarados{ exept if it has a choice band}.

strong physical walls like umbreon and bronzong are a exellent second choiceif you don't have a electric pokemon or a pokemon who has a electric move.



what can i say more,gyarados speaks for himself.

it's really strong and fast and in most cases almost unstoppable.

gyarados is still and always will be an populair pokemon,even in this generation its an over-used pokemon.

P.S:sorry that i couldn't post it last week,i had it very bussy with school and stuff.

see you tomorrow!!!!


P.S.S:i meant kanto not johto on the last entry.

yay!,i'm 18 years old now and got 4 games

i've turned 18 this day and got 2 {total} from my parents and older brother.

i've got RE5 from parents,HAGANE from my brother and bought 2 games for myself yesterday.

myoriginal plan was to use my coupon i've got via the post from my grandpa that day before{it's worth 25 euro} on manga's{NANA vol.1-5 to be precise}.

but the book store didn't accept the coupon,frustrated as i was i went to my heaven on earth:the game store NEDGAMES.

i bought pokemon:platinum and astro boy:omega factor there and my day was all good again:D.

my own version of the pokemon of the week entry 2:AGGRON



it has strong physical attack,impressive defense stat and a good move pool.

but aggron is been overshadowed by many new pokemon {lucario,bronzong by the steel types} and other pokemon like garchomp and rhyperior.

despite that,the 4th generation shift has been very friendly againts aggron.

in the form of stone edge,iron head,super power,the physical elemental punches and a new signature move metal burst toform an even bigger threat than the last generation.

choice bander/physical sweeper


-iron head/iron tail/metal burst

-stone edge

-eurthquake/super power

-ice punch/thunder punch/fire punch

nature:adamant(atk+ speed-)or jolly(atk- speed+)

ability:sturdyrock head {doesn't really matter with this set}

item:choice bandlife orb or focus sash

on the first slot you three options:iron head,iron tail or metal burst.

iron head gives stab,has 80 basic attack and 100 accuracy.{my personal pick}

iron tail gives also stab,has more{120}power but low accuracy.

metal burst works as a steel version of counter but better because can also reflect special attacks with it,it is worth consideration if youre item choose is life orb or focus sash.

stone edge is to get rid of flying and bug pokemon who resist eurthquake or superpower,it also gives skarmory a big chunk of damage.

on the third slot you have two options:

eurthquake provides coverage againts other steel and rock types.

superpower does the same thing exept it increases your physical attack but lowers your other stats.

final slot is a hard choose,it totally depens on what youre prefer.

ice punch is againts dragon and grass type who resist steel moves or eurthquake/superpower{my personal pick}.

fire punch is againts steel types{bronzong and skarmory}who resist euthquake/superpower.

thunder punch is againts bulky waters who resist steel moves or eurthquake/superpower.


aggron has great physical attack and defense and is very dangerous with a choice band{gives a speed and attack boost but you can only use the you have choosed until you withdraw}.

since it has poor special defense and speed,you can easly counter aggron with a fast and strong special sweeper. starmie is the perfect candidate for that,because it can out-speed even if it is jolly natured with a choice band most of the time.you can also counter it with a strong defensive like rhyperior or a strong and fast pokemon like staraptor with close combat or garchomp{if it doesn't have ice punch}.



i really really like this aggron set,its strong and hard to beat and i'm probaly gonna use it in platinum in my nu/uu team.

i still wonder why so less people have a aggron on wi-fi? it really has upgraded a lot.

next week one of my favorite water pokemon and pokemon of johto:gyarados

see you next time!!!!!

my own version of pokemon of the week entry 1:OCTILLERY


OVERVIEW:octillery has probaly the crazyest and most unique move-pool of all pokemon {it can learn flametrower,psychic,thunder wave and a few grass moves while it's a water pokemon}.

it has a strong physical and special attack but poor speed,because of that he overshadowed by other water pokemons like gyarados,swampert and other water pokemon.

almost nothing has changed for octillery during the 4th generation shift execpt seed bomb,gunkshot and a physical waterfallfor better physical capabilities.

its a shame that octillery is a under-used pokemon,because its a good pokemon and especially in that catagory.

SET 1:special sweeper



-ice beam/energy ball


-thunder wave

ability:sniper {since that is the only usefull ability for battles and it's also increases the critical hit rasio by 4 times}

nature:modest {atk+ spcl atk-}

item:sharp claw/leftovers/special band

surf profites a good stab,on the second slot you two options:ice beam or energy ball.

ice beam takes care of dragons like salamence,dragonite,flygon and the feared garchomp who resist surf.

energy ball is handy againts ground/waters like whiscash and bulky waters like blastiose and it lowers special defense.

flametrower is to get rid of grass types and on the last slot thunderwave for slowing down your opponent and it has 25 percent chance of paralysis.

SET2:physical sweeper



-seed bomb/gunkshot




nature:adamant {atk+ spcl atk-}

item:life orb

since octillery also has a good physical attack stat this set is also great if you want a physical octillery for a change.

just like the first set you also havetwo options here:seed bomb or gunkshot

seed bomb has lesser power{still 80}than gunkshot but has more pp and accuracy,overall more preferred than gunkshot

gunkshot has more power{120}only 5 pp and low accuracy{70} but it has 30 percent of poisoning.


since octillery isn't that fast it can easly be countered with a strong grass or electric pokemon or fast and strong one like weavile or gyarados,but you still have to be carefull once octillery has used thunder wave.



octillery is very good but the low speed is gonna cost his head againts many strong pokemon most of the time{the really strong like slaking or garchomp},but thunderwave really helps him out and octillerycan be a opponent not to mess with.

next week:aggron

P.S: i'm gonna do this every sunday from now and gonna do pokemon haven't been done by serebii.net,i couldn't do it yesterday because i couldn't get on the pc.

see you next time!!!!!!

5 new 360 games

after school my brother bought this 5 SWEET games from our combined money.

BioShock BoxshotThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion BoxshotClive Barker's Jericho BoxshotDead RisingThe Darkness Boxshot

al for a bargain price and the darkness was second hands and does it perfectly.

but there pro and cons.


1.i have way to less time to play these all these games at once and i have not touched gta 4 or assasins creed.


i have monday a day-off,that means i have a whole day to these games.probaly starting with bioshock.