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my own version of pokemon of the week entry 1:OCTILLERY


OVERVIEW:octillery has probaly the crazyest and most unique move-pool of all pokemon {it can learn flametrower,psychic,thunder wave and a few grass moves while it's a water pokemon}.

it has a strong physical and special attack but poor speed,because of that he overshadowed by other water pokemons like gyarados,swampert and other water pokemon.

almost nothing has changed for octillery during the 4th generation shift execpt seed bomb,gunkshot and a physical waterfallfor better physical capabilities.

its a shame that octillery is a under-used pokemon,because its a good pokemon and especially in that catagory.

SET 1:special sweeper



-ice beam/energy ball


-thunder wave

ability:sniper {since that is the only usefull ability for battles and it's also increases the critical hit rasio by 4 times}

nature:modest {atk+ spcl atk-}

item:sharp claw/leftovers/special band

surf profites a good stab,on the second slot you two options:ice beam or energy ball.

ice beam takes care of dragons like salamence,dragonite,flygon and the feared garchomp who resist surf.

energy ball is handy againts ground/waters like whiscash and bulky waters like blastiose and it lowers special defense.

flametrower is to get rid of grass types and on the last slot thunderwave for slowing down your opponent and it has 25 percent chance of paralysis.

SET2:physical sweeper



-seed bomb/gunkshot




nature:adamant {atk+ spcl atk-}

item:life orb

since octillery also has a good physical attack stat this set is also great if you want a physical octillery for a change.

just like the first set you also havetwo options here:seed bomb or gunkshot

seed bomb has lesser power{still 80}than gunkshot but has more pp and accuracy,overall more preferred than gunkshot

gunkshot has more power{120}only 5 pp and low accuracy{70} but it has 30 percent of poisoning.


since octillery isn't that fast it can easly be countered with a strong grass or electric pokemon or fast and strong one like weavile or gyarados,but you still have to be carefull once octillery has used thunder wave.



octillery is very good but the low speed is gonna cost his head againts many strong pokemon most of the time{the really strong like slaking or garchomp},but thunderwave really helps him out and octillerycan be a opponent not to mess with.

next week:aggron

P.S: i'm gonna do this every sunday from now and gonna do pokemon haven't been done by serebii.net,i couldn't do it yesterday because i couldn't get on the pc.

see you next time!!!!!!