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my own version of the pokemon of the week entry 2:AGGRON



it has strong physical attack,impressive defense stat and a good move pool.

but aggron is been overshadowed by many new pokemon {lucario,bronzong by the steel types} and other pokemon like garchomp and rhyperior.

despite that,the 4th generation shift has been very friendly againts aggron.

in the form of stone edge,iron head,super power,the physical elemental punches and a new signature move metal burst toform an even bigger threat than the last generation.

choice bander/physical sweeper


-iron head/iron tail/metal burst

-stone edge

-eurthquake/super power

-ice punch/thunder punch/fire punch

nature:adamant(atk+ speed-)or jolly(atk- speed+)

ability:sturdyrock head {doesn't really matter with this set}

item:choice bandlife orb or focus sash

on the first slot you three options:iron head,iron tail or metal burst.

iron head gives stab,has 80 basic attack and 100 accuracy.{my personal pick}

iron tail gives also stab,has more{120}power but low accuracy.

metal burst works as a steel version of counter but better because can also reflect special attacks with it,it is worth consideration if youre item choose is life orb or focus sash.

stone edge is to get rid of flying and bug pokemon who resist eurthquake or superpower,it also gives skarmory a big chunk of damage.

on the third slot you have two options:

eurthquake provides coverage againts other steel and rock types.

superpower does the same thing exept it increases your physical attack but lowers your other stats.

final slot is a hard choose,it totally depens on what youre prefer.

ice punch is againts dragon and grass type who resist steel moves or eurthquake/superpower{my personal pick}.

fire punch is againts steel types{bronzong and skarmory}who resist euthquake/superpower.

thunder punch is againts bulky waters who resist steel moves or eurthquake/superpower.


aggron has great physical attack and defense and is very dangerous with a choice band{gives a speed and attack boost but you can only use the you have choosed until you withdraw}.

since it has poor special defense and speed,you can easly counter aggron with a fast and strong special sweeper. starmie is the perfect candidate for that,because it can out-speed even if it is jolly natured with a choice band most of the time.you can also counter it with a strong defensive like rhyperior or a strong and fast pokemon like staraptor with close combat or garchomp{if it doesn't have ice punch}.



i really really like this aggron set,its strong and hard to beat and i'm probaly gonna use it in platinum in my nu/uu team.

i still wonder why so less people have a aggron on wi-fi? it really has upgraded a lot.

next week one of my favorite water pokemon and pokemon of johto:gyarados

see you next time!!!!!