SimCity is like going to a restaurant, paying for your meal up front then the restaurant telling you they have no food. This loser telling people to chill goes to show the bigger game developers really don't give a sh!t about you.
Gamespot definitely needs an iPhone gaming section. Everytime I log on, I still can't believe they haven't done it already. iPhone gaming is getting to be huge Gamespot! Don't miss the boat. We need you guys to sift through the crap though.
Some people say these games are throw away games. Well I don't mind a throw away game at 0.99 cents than a throw away game I just spent $50 on. How many people out there have $50 games collecting dust because they hardly ever get played. I play more Flight Control and Lux on my iPhone than I have been playing on my Xbox 360. These casual games take 15 to 30 minutes to play which is great for busy people. The hardcores need to relax and enjoy their 30 hour games. There's room for both types of gaming in this world. admiral_picard - iPhone games are like masterbating in public? I haven't done it so I'll take your word for it. It does feel good to play these games so I can see your point. BrianEk - Flight Control 105 planes landed. Beaten.
weaselboy's comments