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My Take on the Unfolding of Current Events..

Holy crap I haven't posted a blog in forever. Well, I way-whole-bunch-a-lot-of stuff has happened since then, so now is a great time for me to recap my view on it all.

The Wii is off to a slow start. There's no denying it. Thousands of pre-orders have been canceled, and there haven't been many sales otherwise. Red steel was a flop, and Twilight Princess wasn't really all that great (it was in my opinion though). This is really unfortunate, as I had high hopes for the Wii as Nintendo's chance to get back on track. I forsee the Wii becoming slightly more than the Gamecube was; a starter system for kids 10 and under and for diehard Nintendo fans who are stuck in the past.

The PS3 has had a very succesful launch, thanks to the media and the Sony-crazed masses. Everyone admits that the PS3 is amazing, but I only know 2 people who actually own one. I don't see the PS3 selling as many units in a year as the 360 did, but I do see a close race in the making for the next generation between the two superpowers.

The 360 is chugging along, thanks to Gears of War. Unfortunately, many of the killer-app games that were expected to be out by the holidays are delayed until 2007. "If only, If only.." is the tune many Microsoft fans will be singing when December 25th rolls around. Either that or they'll be receiving 5 to 10 pre-orders.

Oh yeah, the Zune is pretty much awesome. It's not yet an iPod killer. Many people (myself included) are stuck in the iPod way of doing things. I can't imagine working my music around another media player besides iTunes. The iPod-iTunes combo will outdo the Zune for at least a year, at which time I can see the Zune really come on. In 2 years time, mark my words, the Zune will take a large chunk of the mp3 player market.

That's it... I'm out until around.. I dunno, July? lol