[QUOTE="Making_Pudding"][QUOTE="Dg_i_ViSiOnZ_i_"]lol wat really is E3??? im not to sure..lol..people have been saying that its coming out around november..but idk..i just cant wait though..i didnt really like WAW but i sitll play COD4..so..im guessing the new MW will be better..but im just lookign for some more imputd-high29
E3 is a games convention, basically.
Most developers and publishers like to make the big announcements at E3, since it's where they gather the most press.
ya your gona have to wait till july tho. i think thats when E3 is
E3 is June 2-4. I'm sure there will be info there, but I wouldn't expect much revolutionary. New maps of course, and there was rumors of some specific new guns, I forgot what they were, but I would expect Modern Warefare with some improvements. I also expect there to be Co-op since the groundwork for it already laid down by WAW. All this aside, I'm 100 precent sure that if you liked COD4, you will like MW2. Just ask Dane Cook, since aparently he played it.
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