hello and welcome to aggravating games!!!! im your host, webswinger526!!!!
ok, we got alot to talk about on todays show, so lets get to it. first game, devil may cry 3. to sum it up in a nutshell, DMC 3 is hard as ****. yes i said it, its hard as ****. i could just end it there, but i decide not to. DMC 3 is really, really, really difficult. difficult to the point that its aggravating. you see this> :D. thats me playing san andreas, or kirby canvas curse. now, i will reveal the latest addition to my AGGRAVATING RATING SCALE!!!!!!!! :cry: DESCRIPTION: there is no life, no spoon, nothing matters. you have given up on god, the game, your self. common things you once found amusing and exciting are now approached with caution, fearing it might bite you in the ass. you are on several medications for depression and anger manage ment, and you tend to destroy things on sight, such as choking someone to death because they reminded you of something aggravating, like DMC 3. so, in a way, you are like darth vader. however, you will never get the full bad-assness that vader holds. so, youare like whiny anakin, in SW EP 2: AOTC. oh well. we all know that DMC 3 is aggravating, even easy mode feels like dante must die mode!!!!!!!!! what the hell!!!!!! ah well. we all know what this game gets. :cry:
next up is not games that are aggravating, but things in the game that are aggravating. first up, The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap. great game, awesome game. however, the cucco side quest is extremely aggravating. i hate cuccos. which is why everytime i fail this, i unleash hell on the stupid thgiungs!!!!!!!!!BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!. this side quest gets :evil::evil::evil::evil:.
we are out of time!!!! join us next time as we take a look at ninja gaiden, splinter cell 1, and a special surprise game!!!!!!:shock:. bye now!